City of Regina

The Dewdney East Community Association is thankful for the financial support of the City of Regina through the Community Partner, Phase II, Community Investment Grants Program, which allows us to provide a variety of low-cost programs to our community.

Affordable Fun Program

For the past several years, we have received a grant from the city in order to offer our programs at a reasonable cost. 

Did you know that the city provides an AFFORDABLE FUN PROGRAM, for people with financial barriers?

For those who qualify for an Affordable Fun Program, you may also qualify for a reduction of 50% off of our programs.

Regina Police Service (Information)

The Regina City Police have now created several social media feeds so that they can keep residents up to date with information as they are always looking for ways to reach out to all residents of Regina!

Feel free to check out some of the pages on their website which might be of interest, such as:

Crime Prevention Tips 

Also, if any residents are interested in learning more about the Regina Police Service or interested in becoming a Police Officer, they can sign up for the FREE Citizens’ Police Academy, which is an 11-13 week program run in the spring and fall on Wednesday evenings from 7 pm – 10 pm. (Must be +19 and submit to a criminal record check).

Tourism Regina

Check out TOURISM REGINA for upcoming events and excitement. 

Regina Public Library

For CITY of REGINA LIBRARY announcements check out their website or Facebook page.